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poniedziałek, 3 listopada 2008
Requiem For Sirens - The Pride In A Sinking Story [2008]
Genre: Metalcore
Country: Switzerland
Requiem For Sirens - The Pride In A Sinking Story [2008]
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Sack My Hardcore Archive
Angelreich - Never Look Behind EP (2007)
Dropkick Murphys - The Meanest Of Times [2007]
Kill The Client – Cleptocracy [2008]
Kernelzero - Bloodstained Prophecy (2008)
Kernelzero - 3 Hours Of Silence Before Death (2006)
Street Terror - Rasa Przeciwko Religii
Abacinate - Ruination (2008)
All That Remains - Live In Baltimore [2007]
Morda - Eighty Six [reup]
Morda - Azerion [reup]
Heaven Shall Burn - Iconoclast (2008)
Rye Wolves - Oceans of Delicate Rain [2008]
Jesus of Nazareth & Exploding Meth Lab - The Seed ...
aNeurisma - Camino De Reflexiones [2008]
Haste The Day - Pressure The Hinges (2007)
Haste The Day - When Everything Falls (2005)
Haste The Day - That They May Know You (2002)
Haste the Day - Burning Bridges [2004]
Shattered Realm & Toetag - Split (2008)
Bloodsoaked - Demo (2008)
101A - Lethe (2008)
Gregor Samsa - Rest (2008)
Vuur - Vuurviolence (2007)
Vreid - Milorg (2009)
Opeth - Burden [CD Single] (2008)
Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slaves (2009)
The Acacia Strain - ...And Life Is Very Long [2002]
The Acacia Strain - The Dead Walk (2006)
Cataract - Cataract [2008]
Waking The Cadaver 2 albums
The Acacia Strain - Continent (2008)
As I Lay Dying - An Ocean Between Us [2008]
Behemoth - Ezkaton [2008]
Madball - Legacy [2005]
Korpiklaani - Spirit of the Forest
Korpiklaani - Tervaskanto [2007]
Love Like Electrocution - She Was Red Hot [EP] (2002)
Heavy Heavy Low Low - Turtle Nipple And The Toxic ...
We're Not Friends Anymore - Demo (2008)
Virgin Snatch - Act of Grace [2008]
Slayer - Psychopathy Red (New Song)
Wojtyła - Wojtyła
PI - Original Soundtrack (1998)
Pain - Cynic Paradise (2008)
Being Killed - Massacre Of The Living (2008)
Elysia - Masochist (2006)
Pathology - Surgically Hacked (2006)
Pathologist - Grinding Opus of Forensic Medical Pr...
Assück - Anticapital (1992)
Pzychobitch - Electrolicious (2006)
Porphyria - What No Eyes Could See (EP) (2005)
Capitalist Casualties & Hellnation - split LP (2008)
Antimatter - Planetary Confinement (2005)
Incinerate - Anatomize (2008)
Akira Yamaoka & Teisui Ichiryusai - Silent Hill 4...
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 4 The Room (OST) Disc One
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 5: Homecoming OST
Suffocation - The Close Of A Chapter [2006]
Heaven Shall Burn - Whatever It May Take [Re-relea...
Heaven Shall Burn - Whatever It May Take (2001)
Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf To Our Prayers [2006]
Suffocation - Souls To Deny (2004)
Heaven Shall Burn - Antigone (2004)
Soilwork - Sworn to a Great Divide (2007)
Papa Roach - Hollywood Whore (2008) [EP]
Straight Line Stitch - When Skies Wash Ashore (Rem...
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (Remas...
Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation (2005)
Madball - Infiltrate The System (2007)
Revenance - Omen Of Tragedy [2008]
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder ...
Thoughts Paint The Sky - Schlicht & Ergreifend
Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure (2008)
Shai Hulud - A Profound Hatred of Man (2006)
As Blood Runs Black 2 new songs
Dead And Buried - Bear Witness (2008)
Misericordiam - Unanimity And The Cessation Of Hos...
Misericordiam - A Thin Line Between Man And Machine
Mike Patton
The Black Dahlia Murder - What a Horrible Night to...
Stray From The Path - Villains (2008)
The Crinn - Kills Curiosity (2006)
SikTh - How May I Help You [EP]
Sinai Beach - When Breath Escapes (2006)
See You Next Tuesday - This Was A Tragedy [EP](2005)
Zombie Corpse Autopsy - The Bereavement
Bring Me The Horizon - Maida Vale Live + Others
Beastie Boys - Licensed To Ill (1986)
Beastie Boys - Ill Communication (1994)
Stray From The Path / Lilu Dallas - How To Make A ...
The Devil Wears Prada - Patterns Of The Horizon (2...
Elysia - Killing Grounds [2004]
Hellnation/Merda - split
Full Blown Chaos - Prophet Of Hostility
Genghis Tron - Laser Bitch (Demo)(2003)
Collapsar - Integers (2007)
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire Works [2007]
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Mongrel (2007)
Say Nothing / Chase Manhattan - Split [2007]
Lye by Mistake - Arrangements For Fulminating Vect...
Fuckin Bands / Genres
*...And Then There Were Frogz
*+\- (plus\minus)
*10-year-old Wala
*100 Demons
*1000 Funerals
*21 Gramms
*25 Ta Life
*36 Deadly Fist
*40 Below Summer
*40 SLS
*49 Morphines
*4th Demention
*50 Caliber
*50 Lions
*6 Weapons
*8-Bit Bitchslap
*80 000 Dead
*A Belful Agony
*A Breath Before Surfacing
*A Burial At The Sea
*A Cripple Stole My Leg
*A Day In Black And White
*A Day To Remember
*A Dead Motion
*A Fallen Dream
*A Fight For Valor
*A Gift Called Anger
*A Guide To Suicide
*A Hero A Fake
*A Jezusowi Kazali Spać
*A Life Once Lost
*A Light In August
*A Lovely Day For Bloodshed
*A New Heaven Arise
*A Night At The Chalet
*A Night In Hollywood
*A Pale Grey Scene
*A Perfect Circle
*A Poet A Surgeon
*A Secret Policeman's Ball
*A Shootout In Paris
*A Subtle Understatement
*A Thousand Times Repent
*A Thousand Years Slavery
*A Vacant Affair
*A Voice Like Rhetoric
*A Wilhelm Scream
*A. Ghost
*Abigail Williams
*Abominable Putridity
*About A Plane Crash
*Abysmal Torment
*Acid Drinkers
*Act As One
*Afraid Of That Day
*After The Burial
*Against All Hope
*Age Of Ruin
*Age Sixteen
*Agoraphobic Nosebleed
*Ai Ferri Corti
*Aidan Baker
*Aim For The Sunrise
*Akira Yamaoka
*Alea Jacta Est
*Alice Through The Windshield Glass
*Alkaline Trio
*All Against the World
*All Consuming Flood
*All For Nothing
*All Idols Fall
*All Out War
*All Shall Perish
*All That Remains
*Almost Home
*Almost Is Nothing
*Alove For Enemies
*Always Have A Gun
*Amanda Woodward
*Ambassador 21
*American Football
*American Head Charge
*American Me
*Amia Venera Landscape
*Amon Amarth
*Among The Cells And Circuits
*Amongst The Ruin
*Amy Can Flyy
*An Aborted Memory
*An Albatross
*An Ocean Between Us
*An Unfortunate End
*Anaal Nathrakh
*Anal Blast
*Anal Cunt
*Anal Orgasm
*Anal Penetration
*Anal Stench
*Anal Thunder
*Anal Vomit
*Anatomía De La Adversidad
*Anatomy Of A Ghost
*And Now We Are
*And Sometimes I
*And The Hero Fails
*And Then I Stabbed Him
*And Then There Were None
*Angel Crew
*Angels And Airwaves
*Animals As Leaders
*Annotations Of An Autopsy
*Anorexia Nervosa
*Another Breath
*Another Damn Disappointment
*Another Rise
*Another Vertigo Rush
*Another Year
*Antagonist A.D
*Antagonist A.D.
*Anthony Green
*Anubis Unbound
*Apartment 213
*Aphotic Murder
*Approached By A God
*Approaching Skylight
*Approaching The End
*Arcadia Libre
*Arch Enemy
*Arctic Monkeys
*Are You Afraid Of The Dog
*Are You God?
*Arise And Ruin
*Arise Horror
*Arma Angelus
*Armed for Apocalypse
*Arsonists Get All The Girls
*Artist Vs Poet
*As Blood Runs Black
*As Cities Burn
*As Heart's Bleeding
*As Hope Burns
*As I Lay Dying
*As The Sun Sets
*As We Fight
*As Winter Burns White
*As You Drown
*Asamblea Internacional Del Fuego
*Ashes of Serenity
*Asking Alexandria
*Ass Flavor
*Ass to Mouth
*At Daggers Drawn
*At Long Last
*At The Drive-In
*At The Hands Of Death
*At The Throne Of Judgment
*Atlas Losing Grip
*Attack Attack
*Attack Attack [UK]
*August Burns Red
*Aus - Rotten
*Aussitôt Mort
*Austrian Death Machine
*Avenged Sevenfold
*Aversions Crown
*Awaiting the Autopsy
*Awaken Demons
*Axe Murder Boyz
*Back to Reality
*Bajo El Exilio
*Balls Deep In The Dead
*Barbarous Pomerani
*Bardo Pond
*Bare Arms
*Barnaby Jones
*Barricade (US)
*Battle Rifle
*Bazooka Christ
*Bear Garden
*Beastie Boys
*Beat Kitano
*Becoming The Archetype
*Before a Burning Earth
*Before Suffering
*Before The Dawn
*Before The Devil Knows You Are Dead
*Before The Fall
*Before The Murder
*Before The Torn
*Before There Was Rosalyn
*Before Today Collapse
*Beg For Life
*Begging For Incest
*Beheading Machine
*Behold... The Arctopus
*Being Killed
*Belay My Last
*Belie My Burial
*Belle Epoque
*Benea Reach
*Beneath A Blackened Sky
*Beneath The Flesh
*Beneath the Massacre
*Beneath The Rising Tide
*Beneath The Sky
*Better Left Buried
*Better Luck Next Time
*Between Empires Falling And Empires Collapse
*Between The Buried And Me
*Between Two Seas
*Beyond The Embrace
*Beyond The Skies
*Beyond Within
*Biała Gorączka
*Big Chocolate
*Big Lokote
*Bile Nephrosis
*Billy Club Sandwich
*Billy The Kid
*Birds Of A Feather
*Black Bomb A
*Black Cobra
*Black Flag
*Black Friday '29
*Black Haven
*Black River
*Black Sabbath
*Black Sheep Wall
*Blain Subject
*Blaze Of Perdition
*Blaze Ya Dead Homie
*Bleed From Within
*Bleed Like Me
*Bleeding In Desperation
*Bleeding Through
*Blessing Sins
*Blind Among Enemies
*Blind Witness
*Blood By Dayz
*Blood Dries First
*Blood Duster
*Blood For Blood
*Blood Has Been Shed
*Blood Is The Harvest
*Blood Of Our Enemies
*Blood Red Throne
*Blood Redemption
*Blood Stands Still
*Bloodhound Gang
*Bloodline Ltd
*Bloodlined Calligraphy
*Bloodstained Memory
*Blue Monday
*Blunt Force Trauma
*Bob Lowrey
*Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus
*Boggy Bong
*Bomb The Music Industry
*Born Anew
*Born From Pain
*Born Into Suffering
*Born Low
*Born Of Osiris
*Bottom Out
*Boxcar Racer
*Brain Drill
*Brand New
*Bravo Fucking Bravo
*Break The Silence
*Breakdown Of Sanity
*Breathe Carolina
*Breathing Lies
*BreeMario And THOYLI
*Bridge To Solace
*Bright Calm Blue
*Bring Forth The Enemy
*Bring Me The Faith
*Bring Me The Horizon
*Broken Fabiola
*Broken Fist
*Broken Glass
*Broken Iris
*Brootal Koopa
*Brother Von Doom
*Brothers In Crime
*Brume Retina
*Brutal Truth
*Brutality Will Prevail
*Bulldog Courage
*Bullet For My Valentine
*Bun Dem Out
*Burden Of A Day
*Burial Year
*Buried In Verona
*Buried Inside
*Buried My Star
*Burn Athena
*Burn Her Letters
*Burn In Silence
*Burning Skies
*Burning The Masses
*Burnt By The Sun
*Bury Me At Dawn
*Bury My Sins
*Bury Tomorrow
*Bury Your Dead
*But We Try It
*By Blood And Iron
*By My Fury
*By My Hands
*Cadaveres de Tortugas
*Caed Dhu
*Calamity From The Skies
*Calculating Collapse
*Call For Blood
*Camilla Rhodes
*Cannibal Accident
*Cannibal Corpse
*Capitalist Casualties
*Captain Clegg And The Night Creatures
*Car Bomb
*Carcer City
*Career Suicide
*Casino Madrid
*Casting Curses
*Cattle Decapitation
*Cavalera Conspiracy
*Cavalera Cosnpiracy
*Cave In
*Cemetery Rapist
*Cephalic Carnage
*Cerebral Incubation
*Cerebral Mutilation
*Certain Time
*Chainsaw Disaster
*Change Your Ways
*Chaos Among Nameless
*Chaos Reigns
*Charles Bronson
*Chase Manhattan
*Chasm Of Ilmen
*Cheap Sex
*Chelsea Grin
*Chelsea Smile
*Children of Bodom
*Chino Moreno
*Choking Victim
*Choose Your Path
*Chopsaw Slamming Flesh
*Chotto Ghetto
*Chronic Future
*Chunk No Captain Chunk
*Circle Of Contempt
*Circle Of Death
*Circle of Ghosts
*Circle Takes The Square
*Circle The Sky
*City In Flames
*City Of Caterpillar
*City Of Champions
*Clikatat Ikatowi
*Clockwork Times
*Coal Chamber
*Cobra Kai
*Cock And Ball Torture
*Coheed and Cambria
*Cold Coda
*Cold Fusion
*Cold Hard Truth
*Cold Tragedy
*Colin Of Arabia
*Collapse Under The Empire
*Comeback Kid
*Commit Suicide
*Common Grave
*Complete Failure
*Conducting From The Grave
*Consume The Fetus
*Control Denied
*Control Machete
*Copy Of A Copy
*Coram Lethe
*Corporate Avenger
*Corporate Death
*Corpse Molestation
*Corpus Christi
*Corpus Christii
*Corpus Mors
*Coup de Grace
*Coup De Main
*Cradle of Filth
*Crazy Town
*Create Avoid
*Creation Is Crucifixion
*Creator Destroyer
*Criminal Element
*Cripple Bastards
*Crossed The Line
*Crowbar Abortion
*Crucial Section
*Cryptic Fog
*Cuernos de Chivo
*Culling The Weak
*Cult Of Luna
*Cum Book
*Cunt Grinder
*Cunthunt 777
*Curl Up And Die
*Current 93
*Curse At 27
*cut it out
*Cut The Reins
*Cutting Pink With Knives
*Cypress Hill
*Dance Club Massacre
*Dance Gavin Dance
*Dancing With Paris
*Danny Diablo
*Danse Macabre
*Dante's Theory
*Dark Fortress
*Dark Funeral
*Dark Intentions
*Dark Pariah
*Dark Tranquillity
*Darkest Hour
*Darkness Before Dawn
*Darkness Dynamite
*Darkness Over Depth
*Das War
*Dashboard Confessional
*Davenport Cabinet
*David Liebe Hart and Adam Papagan
*Dawn Of Tears
*Dawn Under Eclipse
*Day Before Death
*Dead And Buried
*Dead And Divine
*Dead By April
*Dead Christ Cult
*Dead End
*Dead End Tragedy
*Dead Fish
*Dead Icons
*Dead In Existence
*Dead Infection
*Dead Kennedys
*Dead Meat
*Dead Pegasus
*Dead Radical
*Dead Return
*Dead Swans
*Dead to Rights
*Dead Warrior
*Dead Years
*Dead Yuppies
*Deadwater Drowning
*Deane Crescent
*Dear Black Diary
*Dear Diary
*Death Angel
*Death Before Dishonor
*Death By Stereo
*Death From Above 1979
*Death Threat
*Deathgasm Records
*Deathlike Existence
*Deathwish Inc.
*Decades Of Deception
*Decades Of Despair
*Deciding Tonight
*Declared Dead
*Decrepit Womb
*Deez Nuts
*Defy The Laws Of Tradition
*Dehydrated Goat
*Delinquent Habits
*Demon Hunter
*Depths Of Hatred
*Despised Icon
*Destino Zero
*Destiny In Chains
*Destriers Gait
*Destroy the Runner
*Destroyer Destroyer
*Destruction Of A King
*Destrukcija Stvarnosti
*Devin Townsend
*Devoured Flesh
*Diagnose: Lebensgefahr
*Diary About My Nightmares
*Dias Cruciales
*Did You Mean Australia?
*Die Emperor Die
*Die My Demon
*Die So Fluid
*Die Young
*Dig Up
*Digested Flesh
*Dillinger Four
*Dimmu Borgir
*Dinosaurs like Guccipants
*Dionysos Carnage
*Dirge Within
*diRTy WoRMz
*Disfiguring The Goddess
*Dismember the Fallen
*Dispel The Crowd
*Distorted Impalement
*Divide The Sky
*Dividing the Line
*Divine Heresy
*DJ And The Wootchyak
*Dj Bless A.K.A Sutter Kain
*Do Or Die
*Doggy Hoods
*Don't Cry Jackie
*Don't Fuck With Columbus
*Doom Cannon
*Dorian Gray
*Double A.B.
*Doubts Cast Shadows
*Down From The Wound
*Down I Go
*Down The Abyss
*Down To Concrete
*Down To Nothing
*Dr. Acula
*Dream Theater
*Drive by truckers
*Drive-By Bukkake
*Drop Dead Gorgeous
*Dropkick Murphys
*Dropping A Popped Locket
*Drown My Day
*Drowning Pool
*Drowning With Our Anchors
*Dry Cell
*Dry Kill Logic
*Dub Buk
*Dumpster Diver
*Dust Divine
*Dustin Kensrue
*Dying Fetus
*Dying Humanity
*Dying Spirit
*E.Town Concrete
*Earn Your Scars
*Earth Crisis
*Earth From Above
*Ease Of Disgust
*Eat A Helicopter
*Ed Gein
*Eden Maine
*Edge Of Spirit
*Effect Murder
*Eighteen Visions
*Eights Sins
*Eighty Thousand Dead
*Ejszet Zenunim
*El Banda
*Elen Merkury
*Elias Last Day
*Elixir Of An Alchemist
*Ellen Allien and Apparat
*Elvis Jackson
*Elvis Presley
*Embraced by Hatred
*Embryonic Devourment
*Emmy Shot A Unicorn
*Empty Grace
*Emulsified Flesh
*En Tu Agonia
*End On End
*Endless Desire
*Enemy Division
*Enemy Ground
*Enemy Logic
*Enemy Mind
*Enemy Soil
*Energy Level Low
*Enfold Darkness
*Engage At Will
*Enter Shikari
*Entry Of A Diary
*Ephemeral Dreamer
*Ephemeral Gods
*Erythrioblastosis Fetalis
*Escape From Sickness
*Eterna Inocencia
*Eternal Crossing
*Etwas Unders
*Ever Since The Lake Caught Fire
*Evergreen Terrace
*Everone´s Tragedy
*Everwaiting Serenade
*Every Time I Die
*Every Word A Prophecy
*Evince Ethos
*Ewa Braun
*Exhibit A
*Exploding Meth Lab
*Extreme Noise Terror
*Extreme Vaginal
*Eye For An Eye
*Eye Of The Hurricane
*Eyes Have Seen The Glory
*Eyes Like Cyanide
*Eyes Set To Kill
*Face Of Reality
*Face Your Enemy
*Fact In Enraged Minds
*Fall Against Fate
*Fallen Angels Crew
*Fallen Figure
*False Gospel
*Family Force 5
*Far From Horizon
*Far From Passive
*Far West Battlefront
*Fat Mans War Face
*Fateful Strike
*Fathom Amity
*Faust Again
*Fear A Knife's Edge
*Fear Before
*Fear Before the March of Flames
*Fear Factory
*Fear Me Paris
*Fear My Thoughts
*Feed Her To The Sharks
*Feeding Affliction
*Feeding Lies
*Fiction Like Non-Fiction
*Fight Alone Today
*Fight Paris
*Fight Pretty
*Figure Four
*Final Fight
*Final Prayer
*Final Sacrifice
*Fire From The Gods
*First Blood
*First To Leave
*First Try
*Fit For An Autopsy
*Five Finger Death Punch
*Five Foot Thick
*Five Minutes Alone
*Flash Gordon
*Fledgling Death
*Flesh Consumed
*Flesh Grinder
*Fleshgod Apocalypse
*Follow The White Rabbit
*Followed By 37 Seconds Of Happiness
*For My Enemy
*For The Fallen Dreams
*For Today
*Foreground Eclipse
*Forever In Terror
*Forever It Is Written
*Forgive Me
*Four Year Strong
*Freddy Madball and DJ Stress
*Friend Fights Friend
*From A Second Story Window
*From Autumn To Ashes
*From Bliss To Devastation
*From Dying Skies
*From First To Last
*From Heaven We Fall
*From The Carnival Of Horrors
*From The Depths
*From The Depths Entertainment
*From The Pawn
*Fruity Bongo Grind
*Fuck On The Beach
*Fuck The Facts
*Fuck....I'm Dead
*Fucked With A Chainsaw
*Fuel For Riot
*Full Blown Chaos
*Fullback 89
*Funeral Diner
*Funeral For A Friend
*Funeral Rape
*Further Beneath
*Furunculo Anal
*Fury Of Five
*Gaius Acilius
*Game Over
*Gardens Of Hiroshima
*Gas Chamber Melodies
*Gauge Means Nothing
*Gay For Johnny Depp
*Genetic Misprints
*Genghis Tron
*Genocide Of Prescription
*George Dorn Screams
*Ghost Of A Fallen Age
*Ghost Of Cato
*Ghost Of Rome
*Giant Squid
*Giants Among Us
*Girl Named Vegas
*Give Her The Gun
*Giving Chase
*Glass Casket
*Glory Goes Down
*Go Back Home
*GO With Fourteen O
*God Forbid
*God Is An Astronaut
*Golden X
*Gone But Not Forgotten
*Good Clean Fun
*Gordian Knot
*Gotham Road
*Grace Will Fall
*Graf Orlock
*Grand Theft Audio
*Grandma Thinks You're A Bulldyke
*Graven Images
*Graves of Valor
*Greeley Estates
*Gregor Samsa
*Greta Knights
*Guano Apes
*Guard Your Steps
*Guernica Y Luno
*Guttural Engorgement
*Gwen Stacy
*H8 Inc.
*Haemostatic Picnic Races
*Halo Of Locusts
*Hands of the Plague
*Hanni Kohl
*Hans Dribbler
*Happy Face
*Hard Work
*Haribo Macht Kinder Froh
*Harm`s way
*Harvest The Deseased
*Haste The Day
*Hate Embraced
*Hatred Surge
*Have Heart
*Have No Fear
*Hazen Street
*He Burned As Athena
*He Is Legend
*Heads And Heads
*Heal These Wounds
*Heart Attack
*Heart Engine
*Heart Of A Coward
*Hearts Fall For Danny Tanner
*Heaven And Hell
*Heaven Shall Burn
*Heavy Heavy Low Low
*hed P.E
*Heinous Killings
*Helicon Blue
*Hell In Heaven
*Hello Bastards
*Hello Nightmare
*Her Body Naked And Dead
*Her Demise My Rise
*Here Comes The Hurricane
*Here Comes The Kraken
*Heresy Of Thieves
*Heroin And Your Veins
*Hester Prynne
*Hi Jack
*Hidden Layer
*Hidden Scars
*High And Driving
*Hiroshima Will Burn
*His Hero Is Gone
*Hollow Corp
*Hollow Jan
*Holly Maddux
*Holy Death
*Honest Abe
*Hope It Dies
*Hopeless Nation
*Hopes Die Last
*Horse The Band
*Hospital The Musical
*Hot On The Streets
*Hour Of Penance
*House Vs. Hurricane
*Human Error
*Human Fate
*Hung Like A Nigger
*Hunter City Madness
*Hunting Area Brain County
*Hush Humanity
*Hymen Holocaust
*I Adapt
*I Apparatus
*I Built The Cross
*I Declare War
*I Don't Want To Die In Texas
*I Escape
*I Go Poo Poo In My Undies
*I Got Shotgun
*I Hate Myself
*I Hate Sally
*I Hope You Suffer
*I Killed the Prom Queen
*I rise
*I Robot
*I Set My Pixels On Fire
*I Shalt Become
*I Shot The Duck Hunt Dog
*I The Unlord
*I Wish We Were Robots
*I Wonder Whats For Dinner
*I Would Set Myself On Fire For You
*I Your Liege
*Ice Nine
*Idiots Parade
*If Hope Dies
*If I Die Today
*Ignominious Incarceration
*Ill Nino
*Im Bastard
*Impartial Dismemberment
*Impending Doom
*Implay In All
*Implosive Disgorgence
*Imply In All
*In A Blind Fury
*In Alcatraz 1962
*In Articulo Mortis
*In Blood We Trust
*In Defence
*In Dying Arms
*In Fear And Faith
*In Flames
*In Means Of Life
*In My Eyes
*In Name And Blood
*In The Midst of Lions
*In This Moment
*In Trenches
*In Twilight's Embrace
*In Vain
*Infected Disarray
*Infected Malignity
*Infected Womb
*Infernal War
*Infested Blood
*Infinite Rare Candy
*Inhale Exhale
*Ink and Dagger
*Innocents Massacre
*Insane Assholes
*Insane Clown Posse
*Insane Poetry
*Insidious Decrepancy
*Intent to Kill
*Internal Divine
*Intestinal Strangulation
*Into Eternity
*Into The Moat
*Invalid Libido
*Ion Dissonance
*Iron Lung
*Iron Maiden
*Iron Mask
*Isles And Glaciers
*It Breeds No More
*It Dies Today
*It Prevails
*Jack The Stripper
*Japanische Kampfhörspiele
*Jeer At Rome
*Jeromes Dream
*Jesus Ain't In Poland
*Jesus Of Nazareth
*Jim Snooka
*Jimi Hendrix
*Job For A Cowboy
*Joe Satriani
*John 5
*John Ball
*John Williams
*Johnny Cage Is A Fake
*Jump Ship
*Junya Nakano
*Just Die
*Kamikaze Queens
*Karate High School
*Karl Sanders
*Karma Zero
*Ken Mode
*Kenny Kingpin
*Kid Dynamite
*Kids Bearing Arms
*Kids Like Us
*Kill Carla
*Kill For Peace
*Kill The Client
*Kill Your Idols
*Killed By Malasie
*Killing Me Inside
*Killing The Dream
*Killing Time
*Kills And Thrills
*Killswitch Engage
*Kinetic System
*King Conquer
*King Of Clubz
*Kingdom Of Sorrow
*Kings Among Men
*Kira's Guardian
*Knife In The Leg
*Knights Of The Abyss
*Knives Exchanging Hands
*Knock Em Dead
*Kottonmouth Kings
*Krieg Kopf
*KRS 1
*Krucifix Klan
*Kung Fu Vampire
*L'esprit Du Clan
*La Dispute
*La Quiete
*Laboratory Of Mortuary
*Lacuna Coil
*Lamb Of God
*Lana Dagales
*Lang Tch'e
*Larry David
*Lassie The Cat
*Last Days of Humanity
*Last Deception
*Last Night In Town
*Last Perfection
*Last Witness
*Lasting Traces
*Lauren Harris
*Lay In Ruins
*Layin' Waste
*Le Joshua
*Leb Prosiaka
*Left For Wolves
*Left Hand Cuts The Right
*Left To Vanish
*Leftöver Crack
*Legend Has It
*Less Than Human
*Let Me Out
*Let Ravens Come
*Lewd Acts
*Lie To My Face
*Light Yourself On Fire
*Lilu Dallas
*Line Of Scrimmage
*Livid Mind
*Living Hell
*Living Sacrifice
*Lola Hart
*Lollipop Lust Kill
*Loma Prieta
*Longing For Tomorrow
*Look Back And Laugh
*Look What I Did
*Loren Battle
*Los Que Mataron A Bruce Lee
*Los Ventilos
*Lost in Alaska
*Lost In Translation
*Lost Soul
*Louise Cyphre
*Love Begoten
*Love Lies Bleeding
*Love Like Electrocution
*Love Lost But Not Forgotten
*Love On The Lips Of A Whore
*Lower Hell
*Loyal To The Grave
*Lurid State
*Lye By Mistake
*Lynyrd Skynyrd
*Lyssa Cer
*Machine Head
*Machinemade God
*Mad Sin
*Madame de Montespan
*Made Of Hate
*Majority Rule
*Malevolent Creation
*Mammoth Grinder
*Man Is The Bastard
*Man Must Die
*Man Of Kin
*Man The Change
*mandalay Victory
*Manhattan Project
*Manhattan Skyline
*Mankind Is Obsolete
*Manufacturer's Pride
*March Alive
*Marilyn Is Dead
*Marilyn Manson
*Mario And Luigis Bukkake On A Peach
*Mario Killed Pikachu
*Martyr Defiled
*Mary Jane Kelly
*Masashi Hamauzu
*Mass Hypnosis
*Mass Hysteria
*Massemord (Pol)
*Massive Attack
*Maudlin Of The Well
*Maximum Penalty
*Maximum The Hormone
*Maya Over Eyes
*Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster
*Medea Rising
*Melody Monster
*Men As Trees
*Menace To Society
*Merciless Mutilation
*Message To Bears
*Messages Via Carrier Pigeon
*Metal For The Masses
*Metal Hammer
*Metal Museum
*Metal Safari
*MF Doom
*Michael Tyahur
*Mihai Edrisch
*Mike Patton
*Mind Paintings
*Mind Pollution
*Minor Threat
*Misery Chastain
*Misery Index
*Misery Signals
*Misery Speaks
*Miss May I
*Miss Ukraine Was Murdered
*Missing In Maryland
*Modern Life Is War
*Moja Adrenalina
*Molotov Solution
*Monument To Thieves
*Moral Degrade
*Morbid Angel
*Morbid Terror
*Morgue Supplier
*Morgue's Child
*Morning Again
*Mortal Treason
*Mosh Pit Project
*Mother Of Mercy
*Motionless Battle
*Motionless In White
*Municipal Waste
*Murder Death Kill
*Murder Intentions
*Murder on the Dance-Floor
*Murder On The Dancefloor
*My Angel's Fist
*My Autumn
*My Burning Empire
*My Dad Vs Yours
*My Dark Room
*My Fears From The Silence
*My Own Grave
*My Own Private Alaska
*My Senseless Name
*My Terror
*My Turn To Win
*My Vain Thrapy
*MyChildren MyBride
*Myself My Enemy
*Na Lepem Prijazni
*Nailed Shut
*Naked City
*Naming the Fallen
*Napalm Death
*Nassau Chainsaw
*Nazarite Vow
*Neil Perry
*Nerve Gas Tragedy
*Never Die Alone
*Neverending War
*Neviah Nevi
*New Found Glory
*Nexus Six
*Nine Eleven
*Nine Inch Nails
*Nitro Mega Prayer
*No Consequence
*No Frequency
*No Gang Colors
*No Guts No Glory
*No Harm Done
*No Innocent Victim
*No Solace
*No Turning Back
*No Wings To Speak Of
*No Zodiac
*Nobuo Uematsu
*Nodes Of Ranvier
*None Shall Be Saved
*None Shall Be Spared
*Norma Jean
*North of the Woods
*Nossa Vitória
*Nothing Between Us
*Nothing To Regret
*Nourish The Flame
*Nova Prospect
*Novembers Doom
*Nueva Etica
*Nunca Mas
*O Pioneers
*Oaks Parcel
*Odens Raven
*Odszukać Listopad
*Of Angeline
*Of Buried Hopes
*Of Legends
*Of Raven And Ruins
*Of Salt And Swine
*Off Minor
*OH Apollo
*Oh Sleeper
*Ojciec Dyktator
*Oktober Skyline
*Old Fashion Knife Fight
*Old Man's Child
*On A Pale Horse
*On Broken Wings
*On Solid Ground
*On The Last Day
*One Day Rise
*One Eyed Jack
*One Last Hero
*One Man Army And The Undead Quartet
*One Second Thought
*Oneiroid Pyschosis
*Only Attitude Counts
*Only Crime
*Only In Somnolence
*Onward To Olympas
*Open Fire
*Orchid Ablaze
*Order Of The Vulture
*Organ Harvest
*Orphaned Land
*Orphans Of The Sky
*Out Of Yesteryear
*Oxidised Razor
*Pac-Man Goes Raped By Blinky And Pinky
*Painful Defloration
*Paint It Black
*Paint The Stars
*Painted In Exile
*Papa Roach
*Paradise Lost
*Parasitic Extirpation
*Parkway Drive
*Party With Bitches
*Passing In Dreams
*Path Of Resistance
*Patsy O’Hara
*Pay Money To My Pain
*Pay No Respect
*Pg. 99
*Pianos Become The Teeth
*Piece By Piece
*Pig Destroyer
*Pin Drop Violence
*Pitbull Daycare
*Pizuya's Cell and MyonMyon
*Plague The Inventor
*Plastic Earth
*PlasticBag FaceMask
*Please... Die
*Plebeian Grandstand
*Podwórkowi Chuligani
*Pogotowie Seksualne
*Point Of Recognition
*Poison Idea
*Poison The Well
*Poppy Seed Grinder
*Porcelain And The Tramps
*Porcupine Tree
*Portraits Of Past
*Portugal The Man
*Post Break Tragedy
*Post Offense
*Postmortem Promises
*Pray For Hope
*Pray The Martyr
*Preschool Tea Party Massacre
*Pretty Little Flower
*Prevail Over One's Horizon
*Primer 55
*Process Is Dead
*Project Wyze
*Prom Night Fist Fight
*Prostitute Disfigurement
*Protest The Hero
*Psyclon Nine
*Public Enemy
*Pulmonary Fibrosis
*Punch your face
*Punished Earth
*Punto Tres
*Pure Hate
*Purified In Blood
*Pushed Too Far
*Putrid Pile
*Putrid Whore
*Quintessence of Versatility
*Rabbit Junk
*Radikalis Amputacio
*Rage Against The Machine
*Raised Fist
*Rancid Flesh
*Random Orbits
*Raped By Pigs
*Raw Noise
*Raw Power
*Ray. hardcore
*Razor Rape
*Reaching Your End
*Reaction Reaction
*Reactor No. 7
*Read My Lips
*Reaktor 4
*Real Life Version
*Reborn To Ashes
*Reborn To Conquer
*Rectal Smegma
*Red Handed Denial
*Red Harvest
*Red Hot Chilli Peppers
*Red I Flight
*Reign Supreme
*Remains Of The Tyrant
*Requiem For Sirens
*Resist the Thought
*Rest In Blood
*Return From Exile
*Rhythm Of Disorder
*Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles
*Ripped Off Face
*Rise Against
*Rise And Fall
*Rise Of Caligula
*Rise To Fall
*Rise To Remain
*Ritual Of Rebirth
*Rival Schools
*Rivers of Nihil
*Rivonia Trial
*Road Trip's Over
*Rob Zombie
*Robert Rich
*Rogue Wave
*Roma Ferox
*Romantic Gorilla
*Rosary Ligature
*Rose Funeral
*Rotten Mouth
*Rotten Sound
*Rotting Christ
*Rotting Flesh
*Rotting Out
*Rumors Of Gehenna
*Russian Circles
*Rye Wolves
*Saainte Diahree
*Saints Never Surrender
*Salt The Wound
*Sanitys Dawn
*Satan's Revenge On Mankind
*Satanic Holocaust
*Save Alice
*Save Today
*Saving Grace
*Say Nothing
*Scale the Summit
*Scar My Eyes
*Scar Symmetry
*Scare Don't Fear
*Scarred by Beauty
*Scars Of Tomorrow
*Schizma '90
*Scott Hull
*Screamin Silence
*Sea Of Treachery
*Searching For Calm
*Secret And Whisper
*Sed Non Satiata
*See My Fatal Trace
*See You Next Tuesday
*Self Against City
*September Murder
*Sequence Pulse
*Serena Joy
*Serj Tankian
*Set Anchors
*Set Your Goals
*Settle The Score
*Seven Minute Silence
*Sex Machine SlaughterHouse
*Sex Pistols
*Sexual Harassment Panda
*Shadow Of My Memories
*Shadows Fall
*Shai Hulud
*Shaping The Random
*Shark In A Desert
*Shark Punch
*Shattered Realm
*She Is A Liar
*She Killed Poetry
*Sheer Terror
*Shere Khan
*Shipwreck A.D.
*Shook Ones
*Short Bus Pile Up
*Shot At Dawn
*Showered In Vomit
*Sick Of It All
*Sigur Rós
*Silence The Ceremony
*Silence The Messenger
*Silent Civilian
*Sinai Beach
*Single Bullet Solution
*Sink or Swim
*Sit Up Late
*Sits In Silence
*Six Feet Above You
*Six Feet Under
*Six Ft Ditch
*Six Reasons To Kill
*Skam Dust
*Skies Turn To Dust
*Skin Tickets
*Skunk Anansie
*Sky Eats Airplane
*Slam Coke
*Slaughter at the Engagement Party
*Slave To The Kill
*Sleep Serapis Sleep
*Sleeping Giant
*Slowly Building Weapons
*Slowmotion Apocalypse
*Smackin' Isaiah
*Small Town Murder
*Smallz One
*Smash Hit Combo
*Smoke And Mirrors
*Snack Truck
*So This Is Suffering
*Social Circkle
*Social Faker
*Society's Finest
*Some Girls
*Some Kind Of Hate
*Some Pedestrians
*Something More
*Son Of Aurelius
*Sonata Arctica
*Sonic Syndicate
*Sons Of Azrael
*Soul Train
*South Park
*Sovereign Strength
*Sown In Tears
*Soziedad Alkoholika
*Spare Not The Villagers
*Spider Killed Bananaman
*Spit My Rage
*Spit Your Game
*Spoil Engine
*Spoken Word
*Squash Bowels
*Stabbing Eden
*Stage Bottles
*Stalins War
*Standing On A Floor of Bodies
*Starcrossed Faggots
*Starring Janet Leigh
*Status Praesents
*Steel Nation
*Step Right In
*Stereotypical Working Class
*Stick To Your Guns
*Still Dreaming
*Still In Da Game
*Still Remains
*Still Screaming
*Stone Sour
*Storm The Bastille
*Storm Upon The Masses
*Story Of The Year
*Straight Line Stitch
*Stray From Path
*Stray From the Path
*Street Machine
*Street Terror
*Streets of Rage
*Strench Arm Strong
*Strength For A Reason
*Strength Through Purity
*Stretch Arm Strong
*Structure Of Lies
*Stuck In Kaos
*Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky
*Such Vengeance
*Suffer The Living
*Sui Generis Umbra
*Suicide Commando
*Suicide Sidequest
*Suicide Silence
*Suis La Lune
*Summers End
*Summon The Tempest
*Suppressed Theory
*Surge Of Fury
*Surreal Demise
*Svarte Greiner
*Swamp Thing
*Swarm Of The Lotus
*Swimming With Sharks
*Swing Kids
*Sworn Enemy
*Sylvester Staline
*System Of A Down
*Take Flight
*Take It Back
*Take This To Your Grave
*Taken By Force
*Taking Down The English King
*Team Sleep
*Teisui Ichiryusai
*Telefon Tel Aviv
*Temple Of The Absurd
*Test Icicles
*Texas In July
*The Aasee Lake
*The Abandonment
*The Acacia Strain
*The Ailment
*The Algorithm
*The Angelic Process
*The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra
*The Armed
*The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
*The Arrs
*The Art Of Self Extermination
*The Arusha Accord
*The Ascendicate
*The Assistant
*The Autumn Offering
*The Band Apart
*The Beatles
*The Binary Code
*The Black Acadia Mourning
*The Black Dahlia Murder
*The Black Heart Rebellion
*The Blackout Argument
*The Bled
*The Blinding Light
*The Blood Brothers
*The Blood Countess
*The Bold And The Beautiful
*The Bonus Army
*The Boy Will Drown
*The Breathing Process
*The Browning
*The Burden
*The Burial
*The Canon Logic
*The Carrier
*The Casino Brawl
*The Cassidy Scenario
*The Cast Pattern
*The Chariot
*The Chemist Vs. The Computer
*The Clash
*The Color Moral
*The Color of Violence
*The Compliance Process
*The Crimson Armada
*The Crinn
*The Cryptic Autopsy
*The Daisy Anthesis
*The Dark Prison Massacre
*The Darkest Red
*The Dead Elephant
*The Decaying
*The Descention
*The Destro
*The Devil Wears Prada
*The Devilworx
*The Dillinger Escape Plan
*The Dеscоladа Vіrus
*The Elite Four
*The Empire Shall Fall
*The End Of All Reason
*The Endless Blockade
*The Enemy Pilot
*The Exelar
*The Eyes Of A Traitor
*The Faceless
*The Fall Of Troy
*The Fight
*The Flying Worker
*The Focus
*the GazettE
*The Ghost In Black And White
*The Ghost Inside
*The Ghost Of A Campaigner
*The Glass Menagerie
*The God Machine
*The Golden Age
*The Goodnight Horizon
*The Great Commission
*The Great Redneck Hope
*The Great Scott Delorean
*The Green River Burial
*The Handshake Murders
*The Hastur Cycle
*The Haunted
*The Haverbrook Disaster
*The Heartland
*The Heartless
*The Helm
*The Hope And The Failure
*The Hope Conspiracy
*The Human Abstract
*The Inequity
*The Irish Front
*The Jonbenet
*The Khayembii Communique
*The Killer
*The Last Charge
*The Leviathan's Mandible
*The Linden Murder
*The Lineage
*The Lion Of Wall Street
*The Livingbrooks
*The Locust
*The Low Lows
*The Manhattan Love Suicides
*THe Marriage
*The Matador
*The Mercury Arc
*The Miles Between
*The Modern Age Slavery
*The Monaco Heartattack
*The Monopoly
*The Murder City Devils
*The Murdersquad t.o
*The Mushroom Kingdom Massacre
*The New Enemy
*The New Frontiers
*The Next Mark
*The No-Mads
*The Nothing Remains
*The Number Twelve Looks Like You
*The Odessa Massacre
*The Partisan Turbine
*The Perennial
*The Pizdziores
*The Power And The Glory
*The Prestige
*The Process
*The Prodigy
*The Project Hate MCMXCIX
*The Prologue
*The Psyke Project
*The Recession
*The Red Chord
*The Red Scare
*The Red Shore
*the Rival Mob
*The Saddest Landscape
*The Sawtooth Grin
*The Secret Of Julie
*The Serpent and The Siren
*The Setup
*The Shivering
*The Shizit
*The Silence Of Cronos
*The Silent Takeover
*The Slamburglars
*The Sontaran Experiment
*The Sorrow
*The Subtle Way
*The Suicide Machines
*The Syncope Threshold
*The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
*The Torture of Comacine
*The Tourist
*The Used
*The Vampirates
*The Wonder Years
*The Word Alive
*The World We Knew
*The Wrath Of Vesuvius
*The Yellow Sign
*The Young Gods
*Theoretical Downfall
*These Arms Are Snakes
*These Final Hours
*These Walls Are Oceans
*They Found Her In Pieces
*They Were Martyred
*Thick As Blood
*Things We Say
*Third Strike
*This City Sunrise
*This Distance
*This Is A Standoff
*This Is Hell
*This Is Solid State
*This Town Needs Guns
*This Will Destroy You
*Those Who Lie Beneath
*Thoughts Paint The Sky
*Thousand Needles
*Thrash M
*thrash talk
*Threat Signal
*Three Days Grace
*Throat Chop
*Through And Through
*Through Devastation
*Through My Eyes
*Through The Eyes Of The Dead
*Through The Fire
*Thy Art Is Murder
*Thy Hastur
*Thy Last Era
*Thy Will Be Done
*Tides Of Virtue
*Time for Change
*Time To burn
*Times New Romance
*Timmy and The Drugs
*Title Fight
*Titus Tommy Gunn
*To Kill
*To Outlive The Beginning
*To The Last Bullet
*Today Forever
*Today Is the Day
*Tombstone Piledriver
*Too Pure To Die
*Torment Of Prometheus
*Total Anal Infection
*Toulouse Beatdown
*Toxic Bonkers
*Toxic Holocaust
*Traces Of You
*Training For Utopia
*Traitors Last Words
*Trap Them
*Trapped By Stereo
*Trapped Under Ice
*Trendy HooliGuns
*Trigger The Bloodshed
*Tristan Tzara
*True High Class
*True Illusion
*Try To D.I.Y.
*Turning Point
*Twelve Gauge Valentine
*Twenty Fighters
*Two Minute Silence
*Type O Negative
*Ultra Vomit
*Unborn Suffer
*Uncooperative Death
*Under A Dying Sun
*Underneath The Gun
*Undying Inc
*Unexpected Hate
*Unit 731
*United Nations
*Unleash The Archers
*Unsane Crisis
*Until The Uprising
*Upheaval Of An Exorcist
*Upon A Burning Body
*Upon The Innocent
*Useless Children
*Uzi Suicide
*Vaginal Bear Trap
*Vaginal Cadaver
*Vaginal Impalement
*Vampire Mooose
*Van Damme
*Vanessa Falls
*Vanity Porn
*Vat Six Nine
*Veil Of Maya
*Vendetta Spoken
*Venganza Sangrienta
*Vera Iconica
*Vicious Crusade
*Violence From Within
*Violent Arrest
*Violent Breakfast
*Violent Chapter
*Violent Side
*Virgin Snatch
*Virginia Clemm
*Virulent Blessing
*Vision Of Disorder
*Vital Remains
*Voces Del Odio
*Voice Of Justice
*Vomit Spawn
*Vomit The Soul
*Vow Of hatred
*W. Goredeath
*Waiting For Autumn
*Waking The Cadaver
*Walls Of Jericho
*Wanted For Murder
*War From A Harlots Mouth
*War Hungry
*War Of Ages
*War Pigs
*Warren Oates
*Watch Me Burn
*Watchout There's Ghosts
*Way Down
*We Are Idols
*We Are The Ocean
*We Are The Romans
*We Butter The Bread With Butter
*We Came As Romans
*We Eat Pixels For Breakfast
*We Had A Deal
*We Lie Beneath
*We Move Mountains
*We Need Guns
*We Set To Fire
*We The Undersigned
*We Versus The Shark
*We Were Gentlemen
*We're Not Friends Anymore
*Weekend Nachos
*Welcome The Plague Year
*Werwolf 77
*Wet The Steel
*What Happens Next?
*What Lies Beneath
*What Lies Within
*What We Feel
*What We've Become
*When Diamonds Fade
*When Fears Become Death
*When Men Rise Up At The Sound Of Birds
*When Rivers Run Red
*Whisteria Cottage
*Who Calls So Loud
*Whole Wheat Bread
*Will Killmore
*Winds Of Plague
*Winter Solstice
*Wisdom In Chains
*Witch Hunt
*With Blood Comes Cleansing
*With Chaos In Her Wake
*With Eyes Wide Open
*With Honor
*With Horses In Her Eyes
*With Open Force
*With Resistance
*Within Chaos
*Within The Ruins
*Without Remorse
*Witness The Day
*Woe Of Tyrants
*Woodward Corridor
*Word For Word
*Words Mean Nothing
*World To Ashes
*Worlds Apart
*Worn In Red
*Worth The Fight
*Worth The Pain
*Wow Owls
*Wrath And Rapture
*Wreak Havoc
*Wrench In The Works
*XDestroy BabylonX
*xFat Assx
*xOne Choicex
*Years Of Tyrants
*Years Since The Storm
*Years Spent Cold
*Yesterday I Had Roadkill
*Yesterday's Rising
*Yorkshire Manor
*Yoshi Killgasm
*You Me At Six
*Young Vadah aka Young Hope
*Your City Is Forgotten
*Your Demise
*Your Enemies Friends
*Yunus Kicked Her Nose
*Zach Hill
*Zero Mentality
*Złodzieje Rowerów
*Zombie Corpse Autopsy
#blog info
Alternative Metal
Alternative Rock
Beatdown Deathcore
Beatdown Hardcore
Black Metal
Blackened Death Metal
Blackened Thrash Metal
Blues Rock
Brutal Death Metal
Brutal Deathcore
Celtic Metal
Chaotic Hardcore
Classic Rock
Clinical PsychoHorror Darkwave
Comedy Rock
Crack Rock Steady
Crust Punk
Dark Ambient
Dark Electro
Death Metal
Death Rap
Depressive Black Metal
Depressive Rock
Digital Hardcore
Doom Metal
Drone Doom Metal
Emo Violence
Extreme Gothic Metal
Female Fronted
Folk Metal
Funk Rock
Future Fusion Metal
Ghetto Metal
Glam Metal
Gothic Metal
Groove Metal
Hard Rock
Hardcore Punk
Harsh EBM
Heavy Metal
Horror Punk
Indie Rock
Industrial Metal
Instrumental Rock
MachineGun Zine
Martial Industrial
Math Metal
Melodic Black Metal
Melodic Death Metal
Melodic Deathcore
Melodic Hardcore
Melodic Metalcore
Middle Easter Ambient
Modern Metal
Modern Rock
Nu Metal
Old School Hardcore
Oldschool Hardcore
Pagan Black Metal
Pagan Metal
Parody Metal
Pop Punk
Power Metal
Power Violence
Progressive Death Metal
Progressive Deathcore
Progressive Metal
Progressive Rock
Psycho Rap
Punk Rock
Rhytmic Noise
Ska Punk
Slamming Beatdown
Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Slamming Death Metal
Sludge Metal
Southern Metalcore
Southern Rock
Space Metal
Speed Metal
Stoner Metal
Symphonic Black Metal
Symphonic Deathcore
Symphonic Metal
Synth Rock
Technical Death Metal
Technical Deathcore
Technical Grindcore
Thrash Metal
Underground Hip-Hop
Various Artists
Viking Metal
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